The ERA-MIN Joint Call 2023 will be the second joint call of the ERA-NET Cofund ERA-MIN3, to be officially launched on the 7th of December 2022, and will count with an indicative budget of €13.6 Million.
A partnering tool helps you to find cooperation possibilities within the ERA-MIN3 calls. It can be used in the following ways:
The scope of the 2023 Call is needs-driven research addressing three segments of non-fuel, non-food raw materials: metallic minerals; construction materials; industrial minerals.
The five main call topics are:
Topic 1. Supply of raw materials from exploration to mining
Topic 2. Strengthening the circular economy
Topic 3. Processing, Production and ICT
Topic 4. Environmental assessment, climate and policy development for sustainability
Topic 5: Social sustainability in health, safety and public perception
The participating national and regional funding organisations are the following:
EU countries/regions and research funding organisations:
Belgium-Flanders (FIO/VLAIO and FWO); Belgium-Wallonia (SPW-Recherche); Bulgaria (BNSF); Czech Republic (TA CR); Estonia (ETAg); Finland (Business Finland); France - Nouvelle Aquitaine (Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine); Germany (BMBF/JÜLICH); Ireland (GSI/EPA), Poland (NCBR); Portugal (FCT); Romania (UEFISCDI); Slovakia (SAS); Slovenia (MIZS); Spain (AEI); Spain - Asturias (IDEPA), Spain - Baque Country (EJ/GV - Innobasque); Spain – Navarra (CFNA); Sweden (Vinnova).
EU Associated country: Turkey (TUBITAK)
Non-EU countries: Canada-Québec (PRIMA-Québec) and South-Africa (DSI).
Check the webpage of the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2023, and do not miss any important information. We will update regularly the news and documentation on the Call on the webpage and our social media: Twitter: @eranetmin3 and Linkedin.