material simulation, (multi-scale) modeling, data science and machine learning, heterogeneous metal-based structures, microstructures
1.4 Efficient mineral processing and metallurgy
A working group of mechanical engineers from Karlsruhe/ Germany is interested in contributing to a topic 1 proposal with particular focus on topic 1.4. We can contribute with a strong expertise in material modeling and simulation, multi-scale assessment of materials and microstructures as well as data-driven approaches for different research questions with focus on materials. A strong focus of the last years was on metals (e.g. aluminum, copper, gold, silver, nickel), metal-based materials, and other crystalline materials. However, other materials are also part of interest.
The University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe is a public university of technology and applied science in the city of Karlsruhe, Germany. A main focus is mechanical engineering. The working group has strong expertise in material simulation and data driven approaches for assessing and optimizing existing materials (processes) as well as investigating and designing new materials and processes.